GTB x AICP Town Hall

AICP recently presented a Town Hall featuring members of the post community who collaborated with Green The Bid on the Complete Green Post Manual. The webinar highlighted key insights and resources contained within the manual — from best practices for each area of post, to mitigating the growing carbon footprint of data, along with general actions that any company or individual can implement to be more sustainable.

The recording of the Town Hall is now available to view here.

Special thanks to the presenters:

LaRue Anderson, Managing Partner, Apache Digital

Dane Brehm, Production Technologist, Cintegral.Tech

Yvette Cobarrubias, Founder and Managing Partner, Cosmo Street

Kat Friis, Co-Founder, Green The Bid

Chris Gipson, Principal/Senior Editor, Republic

Keiren O'Brien, CEO, Filmlocker

Jaclyn Paris, Head of Development, Cosmo Street

Gloria Pitagorsky, Managing Partner, Heard City


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