Celebrating Green Crew Heroes! Producer Rayna Saslove

Green The Bid Crew Heroes is a series that highlights individuals who bring sustainable practices to any area of the production process, and seek to inspire others to do the same. Production can’t happen without all crew-members (both on set and off), and the same is true of their support of Green The Bid.

Green The Bid’s Jessie Nagel spoke with longtime friend and Green Crew Hero Rayna Saslove who harnesses producing prowess to apply sustainable practices at work and at home. 

J.N. Where did you grow up and how did it inform how you do your job today?

R.S. I ‘m from San Diego, which was a great place to grow up, but not super helpful for Production. The weather is always perfect and it takes effort to be ambitious!   But I started working early in food service and banking, which gave me a love of taking care of people and money in time-sensitive situations. When I helped some friends shoot a short film, I realized that Production was my thing.

J.N. What are some things you do to be more sustainable at work, and what things would you love more post companies and individuals to adopt?

R.S. Below is a list of some of the efforts we make to be as sustainable as possible and are always open to more suggestions.  Covid protocols and financial considerations do have some impact which we discuss with the Production Company.

  • Encourage everyone to bring their own water bottles.

    • Provide water stations for refills and spa water at Craft Service.

    • Provide reusable water bottles for agency and client.

    • Include a reminder on call-sheets and crew calls.

    • Only purchase single-use water bottles for talent.

  • Request organic or sustainably-raised products from Craft Service

  • Encourage Craft Service to eliminate individual and excessive packaging (except during Covid).

  • Have catering use real plates and silverware.

  • Request at least one vegan option from catering.

  • Donate surplus food, when possible.

  • Place a recycling can next to each trash can.

  • Take home compostable materials from Craft Service and add to home compost.

  • Only use 100% recycled paper for anything that must be printed.

  • Encourage clients and agency to use a Digital Pre-Production Book.

  • Implement Digital PO’s and Digital Wrap Books.

  • Use solar-powered equipment, when available.

  • Compost shredded paper and timecards.

  • Use “green“ motorhomes.

  • Donate any remaining sets, props, wardrobe, expendables, etc.

  • Encourage the use of reusable bags and provide them as needed.

  • Recycle hard drives.

  • Recycle all e-waste, including batteries.

J.N. What are the things you have changed in your own life to be more environmentally conscious?

R.S. My family has been environmentally conscious for years, but we constantly try to improve.  

  • Our garden is completely organic.

  • We have many drought-tolerant, California-native plants in our yard, which saves a ton of water.

  • We are a one-car family, having eliminated our second car almost 10 years ago. We utilize public transportation and ride-shares when possible.

  • We always keep personal silverware and re-usable to-go containers in the car.

  • We encourage our son to reduce energy usage and plastics.

  • Our home is about 1/3 solar-powered.

  • Last year, my husband and I went completely vegetarian, joining our 14 year-old, who has been vegetarian since he was 6!

  • This year, we are adding a second composter to our compost and worm farm

J.N. Who most influences you and inspires you when it comes to being socially and environmentally responsible in your work life and your personal life?

R.S. My father started teaching me about the dangers of greenhouse gases and resource depletion when I was very young.  He was the only environmentalist I knew for many years. A mechanical engineer by trade, he took the details of energy conservation very seriously. When I wanted a curling iron, he insisted that I research its energy use. I was one annoyed tweenager.  But I did it. I made my case and got my curling iron. In retrospect, I treasure this lesson. Doing that research made a big impact on me and how I consider other purchases. 

J.N. If you could do any other job - in the industry or otherwise - what would it be and why?

R.S. Emergency Room Doctor. I LOVE triage. Having to work fast and smart. Never being bored. Always stretching to do my best.  It’s a lot like Production, except you get to save lives!

 ----- Are you a crew hero or do you know one? We want to hear from you!


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